Academic Success
When it comes to earning a college degree, no two educational paths are exactly alike. Whether you’re considering going back to school after taking time off, transferring from one college or university to another, or converting an associate degree into a bachelor’s degree, you are bound to have questions about the process. No matter what your educational journey looks like, you can set yourself up for academic success in college. These articles, tips, and advice will help you navigate the process of completing your bachelor’s degree so that you can meet your academic goals.
Is an Information Technology Degree Worth It?
Are you wondering if earning your bachelor of science in information technology is worth the cost and effort? Here are four reasons it could be the right move for you.
February 11, 2021

A Guide to College Grants for Veterans
College grants offer veterans of the U.S. military another way to pay for the costs of attending college, in addition to their GI Bill benefits.
July 23, 2020

Bachelor's Degree Completion Programs | FAQ
For those who couldn't attend our Preview NU event, we've got you covered! Here are the top Q&As to help you learn more about our degree completion programs.
April 23, 2020

Going Back to College After Dropping Out
Overcome common hurdles to completing your bachelor’s degree after dropping out by applying these eight strategies.
March 20, 2020

Should I Go Back to School? 4 Questions to Consider
Consider these four factors before deciding to enroll in school as an adult.
February 24, 2020

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